Rohan Nanthakumar presents at Expert Meeting on Climate Change

Rohan Nanthakumar presented on climate change and human rights at the closing conference of the Scientific Research Network on Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations in Practice under the “Expert Meeting on Climate Change” session held in Brussels. The conference theme was “Human Rights Beyond Territory and State in Practice” and the interdisciplinary event brought together experts from multiple fields to discuss, among other things, climate change, migration, and resource extraction.

Through in-depth panel discussions, Nanthakumar’s presentation focused on the extraterritoriality of human rights regarding climate change, focusing on jurisdiction and state responsibility beyond borders. This is the latest in a long list of international presentations given by Nanthakumar on these subjects. Nanthakumar is a public international lawyer specializing in human rights, climate, environmental and constitutional law. Before his time at Blue Ocean Law, he helped local communities, governments, and international organizations devise and implement legal strategies in pursuit of environmental justice and in defense of the self-determination of peoples.

Katherine Mafnas