Blue Ocean Law teams up with Amsterdam Law School and the UCLA Promise Institute

The Blue Ocean Law team, in conjunction with Amsterdam Law School and the UCLA Promise Institute, presented on the significance of the ICJ advisory proceedings on state obligations in respect of climate change at “The Promise of International Law in the Face of Ecological Crises” Conference in Amsterdam. 

At the conference, BOL discussed human rights law, the rights of nature, and the legacies of colonialism and slavery as they relate to climate injustice, as well as the ecological impacts of war. BOL also supported requests for advisory opinions clarifying the obligations of states in relation to climate change from both the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea.

This conference brought together distinguished participants working at the intersection of international law, human rights and climate justice, allowing all participants to share their expertise with other experts in the field and to raise awareness of new and promising initiatives.

Katherine Mafnas