Fleur Ramsay appointed by New Zealand to historic advisory group

Fleur Ramsay has been appointed to a historic advisory group by the New Zealand government working on a national redress mechanism for persons who have been abused or neglected while in the care of the governmental agency Child, Youth and Family (CYF) and/or its predecessors. Members of this advisory group were chosen because of their unique experiences and perspectives, representing the diverse Māori, Pacific, Deaf and disabled, rangatahi (the youth), and LGBTQI+ communities. Ramsay, a queer Samoan woman, represents more than one of these communities and so brings an important intersectional perspective to these proceedings.

With her rare combination of legal expertise and traditional knowledge, Ramsay’s contributions to the Royal Commission’s report proved invaluable. Because of her efforts, many otherwise unheard abuse victims will now have their experiences validated and their perspectives uplifted. Many of them will also receive payments and other support they need to heal. More broadly, this report will enable the New Zealand government to develop a trauma-informed national redress system that is integrated, independent and designed to support genuine healing that is survivor-led.

Katherine Mafnas